Ncr Home Tutor



It cannot be overcome how beneficial it is for students for find the right tutor. Regardless of whether
it is for class help, learning a new skill, or just to develop oneself, a good tutor can be a powerful
influence in a learners’ process. However, what makes outstanding tutors different from the other
one? This blog post discusses the qualities of a good tutor and explain how they help in the learning

Subject Expertise

It is also testified that one of the most important qualities that a good tutor should have is good knowledge of a subject. Through this knowledge, they are able to break down difficult problems in to
digestible forms that they can share with their students. Here are some ways a tutor’s subject expertise
can benefit students:

  • In-Depth Knowledge: Teachers with a proper knowledge of the content can explain those concepts and defend them with the right words.
  • Updated Information: Updating yourself with the latest trend within a tutor’s area of specialization enables him/her to provide updated information to the students.
  • Practical Examples: Most of the tutors have enough knowledge in the lesson being taught and can find many examples to explore making learning more enjoyable.

Excellent Communication Skills

This blog identifies communication as a critical factor between a tutor and student. A tutor requires to
possess the skills of talking and listening to the needs of the students. Key aspects of communication
in tutoring include:

  • Clarity: Teachers were advised to commutate large chunks of knowledge as well as information.
  • Active Listening: It is necessary to listen students’ questions and concerns if they have to help them successfully.
  • Feedback: Constructive feedback involves helping to the students on their performance so that they can improve.

Patience and Understanding

Education is a delicate processes so students can have difficulties with some subjects or ideas. A
perfect tutor may also be someone who can be calm and listened to students’ questions and mistakes.
This approach helps in:

  • Building Confidence: Likewise, patience gives the students the opportunity to learn at his/her own pace and hence its helps the students to build their self esteem.
  • Reducing Anxiety: Tutors assist in interpreting that help diminish the stress and the worry that accompany learning disabilities.
  • Encouraging Persistence: It is the kind of teacher who always motivates his or her students and encourages them especially when he or she feels that challenges are inevitable.


It is common knowledge that, students are different, they learn differently and at different pace. A
competent tutor that teaches a certain topic is usually in a position to help his or her students in a way
that is favourable to the students. This adaptability includes:

  • Personalized Learning Plans: Instructing in a way that counteracts the weaknesses that
    students might possess while at the same time trying to build on the students’ strengths.
  • Flexibility in Teaching Methods: Employing a style of classroom descriptions that would be of
    benefit to people with different learning styles.
  • Responsive Adjustments: Adapting the strategy with regards to the student’s performance
    and suggestions.

Passion for Teaching

In this case, focus is energy and enthusiasm that motivates the tutor. The problem is that a teacher
who has passion for teaching will pass this sentiment to the learners and thus learning becomes more
interesting. Passionate tutors often demonstrate:

  • Enthusiasm: Likely to make lessons more vibrant and interesting so as to elicit the energy in
    the lessons.
  • Dedication: Making the additional effort for their students to get a good grade.
  • Continuous Improvement: The desire to strive for the better education through personally
    and professionally development.

Empathy and Emotional Intelligence

This compels one to get to know the students’ emotional and psychological characteristics with a view
of establishing a conducive environment that can facilitate learning. Tutors with high emotional
intelligence can:

  • Build Rapport: Making sure that you are in a good standing with your students by gaining their
    trust and accepting them.
  • Identify Struggles: Knowing when a student is dealing with an emotional or motivational issue.
  • Provide Support: Patients and encouragement to the students in order for them to overcome
    personal challenges.


Therefore, the characteristics of a brilliant teacher do not end with the level of knowledge of the
lessons. Teachers’ characteristics are important in developing positive teaching-learning environment,
including expertise, communication, patient, flexibility, passion, well-organized, and understanding. In
other words, the development of such qualities in tutors will help them influence their students

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